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the little saddle<\\h1>\par
The Littlest Saddle\par
It sat on its rack, lonely and still,\par
Covered by blankets, smelling of sweat,\par
Years had passed, as must they may,\par
Forgotten, forlorn, and weathered by time.\par
When I was born, and bright, shinny new,\par
The little Boy\rquote s eyes, like stars did twinkle,\par
Oohing and ahhing, and a birthday cake,\par
On his face and hands and smeared on my seat.\par
My place on a stand, like a trophy hard won, \par
Polished and kept, at the foot of his bed,\par
Last to be seen, as sleep filled his eyes,\par
First to be touched, when breakfast was neigh.\par
Now out grown with time, and replaced by another,\par
Play day won and rodeo reared,\par
Stored and forgotten, my shine dusted away,\par
My place of honor, now a smelly ol\rquote stand.\par
My fine tooling, with dust and dirt caked,\par
My soft wool, now matted or gone,\par
Rich leather, cracked and crying for oil,\par
To the littlest saddle, it seemed life was gone.\par
So slowly and quietly, the blankets came off,\par
Light hits my face, as the dirt\rquote s washed away,\par
Oils and creams rubbed into my skins\par
My leather softens and shines and my life starts again.\par
My old owner\rquote s now filled with the pride of his new Son,\par
Blond hair tussled from a new little hat,\par
Chaps and boots, just out of the box,\par
The newest littlest, cowboy, walks stiffly with pride.\par
The littlest saddle, now shinny and cleaned,\par
Retrieved from its roost, with new honor and pride,\par
The littlest cowboy, now has something to ride,\par
The littlest saddle, with the youngest astride,\par
Now a most precious item, in the littlest of eyes.\par